Thursday, June 1, 2017

Winterthur Marathon 2017 - Who is crazy to run a marathon at 30 celsius...

Winterthur, why do I love you so much?
I didn't have to go, but I wanted to be there again. I didn't expect the heat when I signed up for this. I just though: I want to race it again because is a fantastic course, most nature path with trail and only a few kms on the asphalt, hilly and challenging, the surrounds take the attention and is  for me a very enjoyable race.
My morning started at 4:30 am, with a breakfast at 5, before the family is up. That is what coasts me most when I go race. They could sleep a little longer on Sunday and I just force them to stand up 2 hours earlier. But " Why Mama? I am still tired..." because mama will run a marathon today. It sounds so selfish. And it is. So I only race a few times per year, but that means so much for me.
The drive took us two hours, which I used to take a nap, hydrate and take one more snack. It was already warm enough at 8 am.
Picked my bib and got already the t-shirt and the medal. " So we can go home" (ahah) . For sure not. It's time to earn it. I took an easy 10 minute warm-up. Incredible warm already. If this would happen at one or two years ago, I would even not go. I am not a warm appreciator, unless I am laying but I wanted to test me. I knew if I would find that hard race that tests me to the point of give up I would have one more reason to challenge myself. I though that day at Winterthur would be that one, the one testing me as runner and teaching me to become a stronger runner.
To run a marathon in the heat with 21°C  at start? Holly day, I come for you.
I was confident. I took it with a smile. I knew all could happen and the pace was the last thing worrying me. I wanted to enjoy it and don't push it. So I did. The first kms were easy, I decided me for try the isotonic drinks proposed in water stations to keep me hydrate ( I never took anything else than water, what probably caused my collapse in past marathon) . I knew was a risk of try something new at race day but that was not a race for me. It was a marathon I decided to go , test new things, do mistakes and learn a lot.
Shortly after Km 14 I started to feel stomach cramps and I though: this isn't going well. At 15k I found Matthias, who gave me a bottle of water and showed compassion for the situation. The heat was not to take it easy. I decided don't take a gel and keep going, I was thinking  in stay at half-marathon. Live and feel the frustration of give up. But soon I was feeling better and between the hesitation between right or left, I decided to keep testing until where i Hold it.
11 am and so hot. the sweat was all over and in every station I was taking something. Banana, water, isotonic or a refreshing sponge. I didn't miss any but I am sure I was smart. The heat was not the worse, the worse was my physiologic needs. Yes, there was a lot of forest, trees, leaves and even toilets on the way, but stop was not an option for me. " If I stop, I will need lots of time and probably I won't finish it because i will feel too lazy or bored to pick it again" - my thoughts... So I kept going, walking when the pain was intensive but I didn't see Matthias anymore, he said was too hot for watch the race. (LOL) I had realized that on second round, the crowds disappeared and only on the shadows you could see some, most bathing on the river.
This race is so well organized. friendly and funny people on the stations which itself is a great support, motivating words and even tips. My pain was coming and going, which lead me to walk a little with a runner who was complaining about the heat. Yes! It's too hot for run a marathon but we are almost there! Once you see the last water station, you forget the pain. You hold it a little longer and run. In a instinctive reaction I started clapping on the last meters in though of all who I saw running in that hot day. In though of all who didn't stay home because was too hot. I was happy, in finish it. I wasn't counting in finish with such a reasonable time for a hot day even. I though 4 hours wouldn't be enough and I surprised myself in walk sometimes, fighting with my stomach and cross it at 3:48.03,9 . If you ask me: it was tasty. I feel  me proud, I respected my body, but the most of all, I faced a fear: Run in the heat. And that's the most important of all.

 We meet us again in Winterthur next year and it really doesn't matter how hot it will be.

Waffenlauf - Do you wanna run a Military Run?

I remember the first time I saw runners wearing military uniform with a bag on their back and a gun shinning from it. It was on my first marathon - Frauenfelder, 2015. I was amazed to see them running, I couldn't imagine how hard that should be, so made me respect them even more.
Past November I ran it again, and the feeling was the same. I don't know what is it about, but is different. One of the fastest men , Fritz Gast and I, crossed our paths in social media and soon came the invitation:  Do you wanna run a Military Run? I never though about it, but after that question, oh yes. I do.
Months went by,  I was concentrated in Zurich Marathon and shortly after, we talked about it again. My answer was yes, I go for the Domleschger-Lauf . A 14k between asphalt and trail, hilly hard course and 5kg on my back seemed to be the perfect challenge.
Fritz gave me many tips, very good and helpful ones and I was super excited for the all new thing.
I was surprised with the running community, named by Fritz as: "we are family". I had never been in such a friendly ambiance in any race. I remember the Winner of the race arriving to me and give me her hand wishing me luck.
The shot went off and I was concentrated in follow the tips. The bag didn't seem that hard to carry but the hills, were worse than I expected, so the last tip: Follow them. I walked when they walked, ran when they ran and arrived at the finish-line with a happy smile. It was my ever first and I enjoyed so much. But the surprises didn't stop. As soon we cross that line, the big spirit of Brotherhood came to show me why they are different. All congratulate everyone, doesn't matter who, if they are new or veterans. That was what I was looking for in every marathon and I didn't find it. After our snacks, the ranking was known and I was surprised for a 2nd place (age-group) . It was the cherry in the top of the cake. The perfect start for a new modality.
I felt me a Baby between the big ones, They are fast, mental and physically strong, they are unstoppable and I am truly inspired by them. I wanna learn with them and give me to the sport as well.
For more than I try to put in words the feelings, I can't. It was intensive, magical and such an amazing  experience which became for me unique, unexplainable. Just who lives it can understand what I felt without use words.

Hoplitodromia says you something? It was part of the Ancient Olympic Games where the participants had to wear a heavy armor but Waffenlauf is a Swiss Sport modality founded in the First World War(1916) . The men must wear the swiss military uniform, the gun and a military backpack of 6.5kg. This modality was as long of many years very popular in Switzerland ( more than the running categories ) Women were not allowed to take part of the event until 20 years ago(1997). For women, the gun isn't obligatory and 5kg backpack is the demand. 
When I participated in Frauenfelder 2015 I had no idea about all the story and meaning of the Military Marathon. Frauenfelder is the Crown for the Military Modality. 
It's togetherness, it's community, it's passion and give away. Humanity. 
My forever respect for military runners and a special thanks to Fritz Gast for the opportunity to join them for a day and hopefully the first of many.